Hyppolit, the Butler

Hyppolit, the Butler Hungarian Hyppolit, a lakj is a 1931 blackandwhite Hungarian film comedy of manners. It was one of the earliest full sound films produced there.

Mtys Schneider Gyula Kabos is a transportation entrepreneur who has become rich quickly. Despite their humble origins, his wife Mici Haraszti strives to live a sophisticated and aristocratic lifestyle. When she engages a butler, Hyppolit Gyula Csortos, who has served in the household of a count foryears, their whole life is turned upside down Schneider has to shave off his mustache, wear a dinner suit for dinner and eat French food instead of his beloved onions and roasted goose, while his wife is bullied by the butler into engaging in gymnastics and a rather meagre diet.In the meantime, the Schneiders spirited daughter, Terka va Fenyvessy, falls for their goodlooking manager, the former driver Istvn Benedek Pl Jvor, who keeps secret that he is in fact an engineer with a college diploma. Her mother, however, would prefer the goodnatured, but quite stupid Makts Gyula Gzon as a suitor, because Maktss uncle Sndor Gth, a city councillor, may help them to get a lucrative contract. ........

Source: Wikipedia